Thursday, April 26, 2007

TreeSpirit Photo

This is the photo that we took for Earth Day on Sunday. As you can see, we're all pretty anonymous. I'm the one up at the top of the image on the left. There must be at least another 40' of the tree above the top of this image.

To see more of Jack's spectacular images, check out his website.


Adelyn said...

Great picture!!! How on earth did you climb all the way up there? I don't think I'd be able to do that without at least a rope to save me if I fell :P

RSD_Terry said...

We had a ladder and a rope to get us up to the lower branches. Once up that first section the branches were very sturdy and close together, so I felt very stable and had no problems.

Of course, it was a little difficult to remove and replace clothing while hanging out 40' off the ground. Some people dropped articles and had to retrieve them. Fortunately, there were a few UCSC students who could just swing around the tree like chimps, so we didn't waste too much time with those mistakes. It was a lot of fun.